There's more to us...

Life seems at an end. We're going to give up, thrown in the towel, we say. There's nothing more for me, we  go on. Lights out, a voice inside echoes.  When emotions are troubled to the point of despair, things are stirring in the mind. Something's cooking in life.

There's no way around the lights going out. It's going to happen. When it does, it's time to go still. A patient said, "When I began therapy I was suicidal. Everything was gone. There was no hope. It's taken time, but I learned to see in the dark. Those dark places held secrets. I needed to hear them. I needed to let myself hear and be willing to be quiet and see into the dark. I learned that there's more  to me than I thought. That was the beginning of letting go and moving on."

William James, father of American depth psychology, wrote, "Every bit of us at every moment is part and parcel of a wider self, it quivers along various radii like the wind-rose on a compass, and the actual in it is continuously one with possibles not yet in our present sight."

Where we are  now is where we are now. Our challenge is to see into dark places. There, we just may discover, are possibilities "not yet in our present sight."
