Robin Williams and the Archetype of the Fisher King

I wrote this poem as I wept over the death of Robin Williams today:In Memoriam for Our Fisher KingBy Kayleen AsboThe eyes so bright so twinkling, so merryalso saw through to the deep pain of the world.Your gift, like Dionysus, was always to walkbetween the twin worlds of comedy and tragedy,Calling us to the melancholy just below the surface mirthNavigating the rivers of tears to bring us to the shore's edge of sorrow -Touched by hope and illumined by the essence of humanity.The laughter you drew out from our depths was kind, not cutting.the compassion wrapped inside your manic energyMade all who fell within your gaze safe,For the sharpness of your tongue cut away only artifice, pretense and hypocrisyLiberating us from our own foolishness and dissolving barriers between us.You brought forth the divine child, the Peter Pan, the Dead Poet, the Fisher KingIn all of us.Sleep well, sweet Prince.Though you have shuffled off this mortal coil,We will not forget you.Whatever dreams may come,May you hear the choir of love and grief resoundingAs we sing your praises through the ages.I am not the only one to have written n this topic- I also found a thoughtful essay by Clarissa Pinkola Estes' article at