Dear all,


Today my website came online:

So I make a little promotion for it.


For the present it is in Dutch language only.


If you will make time to pay my site a little visit, thank you so much.


I am looking for fellow depth-psychology-thinkers who, like I do, work with schoolrefusal. 


It would be great to share thoughts and experience about this interesting group of youngsters.


Kind regards,



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  • Just sent you a message through your website.

    Hope it goes through. Congratulations on your new venture.


    • Yes the message came through, thank you Bonnie for your compliment.
  • Off course ;-),  symbolization is also there:


    The name:

    Ardite (pronounce ardiete) is de name of my company.

    The name is merged of Artemis and Aphrodite, de goddesses of independence and creativity.


    The colors:

    Purple stands for wisdom and spirituality.

    Black and white for the unity of opposites yin and yang.


    The picture:

    The lotusflower symbolizes development and awareness.

    Water represents the moving unconscious.

    (the photographer is Bahman Farzad, who gave me a discount for the good cause)


  • Hi Karina: Congratulations on your new site. It's absolutely beautiful. I've never seen that effect with the water around the lily. Very cool. Also--for anyone who is wants to, it's very easy to translate it from Dutch into English. Simply go to You can paste any text in one box and it comes out in English (or another language you choose) in another box.

    For example, I can see that under your "Services", you state: During the sessions, the nature of the problem deepened the behavior associated with it named and examined barriers. Barriers or blockades are not for nothing, they contain valuable information about the solution of the problem. 

    and: The client-centered theory of Rogers and Jung's analytical theory serve as theoretical framework from which the counseling is offered. The route is short term in nature and has a clear objective. Dream analysis, drawing and qigong exercises, at the request of the client part of the process. Qi Gong is sometimes called moving meditation. 

    Its just wonderful, all of it! You are doing some great work. I hope you find others who are doing the same kind of thing so you can share.

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